Vetz Petz Partnership Program
The Vetz Petz Partnership Program (VPPP) was created to assist vets and their clients to navigate the internet process. Vets feel cheated when a client buys a product from an internet discount site that they previously recommended.
Now Vets can direct their client to the VPPP to buy Antinol®︎ from the web and as a result , the Pet Parent receives home delivery at a good price, while the vet still receives a margin instead of losing the income to the internet discounter.
Margin Calculator
Your Annual Estimated Net Profit
Your Monthly Estimated Net Profit
Total Patients / Year
{ "caps_30_price": "3154", "caps_60_price": "5820", "duration": "12", "commission": "20", "blocks": [{ "title": "Large Dogs", "split": "25", "pack": "60", "starting_value": "0" },{ "title": "Small / Medium Dogs", "split": "25", "pack": "30", "starting_value": "0" },{ "title": "Cats", "split": "25", "pack": "30", "starting_value": "0" },{ "title": "Exotics", "split": "5", "pack": "30", "starting_value": "0" }] }
A conservative estimate of a single vet's potential earnings growth over 3 years.
Estimated 3 Year Growth
Based on 2 small dogs, 2 large dogs and 1 cat per week, per year.
How it Works
- We calculate your minimum annual margin based on 15% and 10% (total 25%) of all large dogs, small cats and dogs, and 5% of exotics you see per year.
- If you have a higher % of pets in your clinic that have joint issues please increase the number of pets for each to adjust your earning potential.
- 25% Small to medium sized dog based on 30 cap pack per month by 12 months
- 25% Cats based on 30 cap pack per month by 12 months
- 25% Large sized dog based on 60 cap pack per month by 12 months
- 5% exotics based on 30 cap pack per month by 12 months