What if you could hold your senior pet a little bit longer?

What if you could hold your senior pet a little bit longer?

As puppies and kittens, they come into our lives and turn our households upside down.

They need a lot from us when they’re young. Frequent trips outside, special food, and our help to learn house rules. We keep them safe and hold them close.

They grow into our trusted confidants. They are the constant in our lives when everything else seems to change, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, they are there through it all. They spend their days waiting for us to come home.

As they age, their bodies start to fail. Their faces go grey, their eyes begin to cloud, but we still see the love when they look up at us. Once again we find ourselves at a stage of life where they need more from us. They need to go outside more often, they need a special diet or medication, they need our help getting up and climbing stairs. They’ve been there for us their whole lives, now we get to return the favour and care for them in their golden years.

Almost all senior pets are living with the pain of osteoarthritis.

We are fortunate to have access to a wide range of pain medications in veterinary medicine.

Unfortunately, many senior pets don’t tolerate commonly prescribed pain medications.They might have other underlying health conditions that mean the medications aren’t safe or they might experience negative side effects from the medications. 

Often as pets age, we start to run out of options for effective pain management.

We watch our best friends become seniors and start to wrestle with the toughest decision, our final act of kindness, when do we let them go? 


As we evaluate their quality of life, determining if they’re having more good days than bad, a lot is centered around their mobility. We start to worry when we see them struggle to get up from lying down or go up or down stairs. We wonder about how much they’re enjoying life when they are interacting less with the family, are less interested in playing, and less eager to go for a walk.

Often, the first signs of pain are subtle behavioural changes. Hiding pain is a natural instinct. Long before you see your friend limp you may notice that they’ve become a bit grumpy, or they don’t want to come and play, or they’re sleeping more.

If you think your pet might be in pain, talk to your veterinary team. They are your partners in caring for your pet and can make recommendations based on your pet’s medical history and the changes you are seeing.

Antinol can help. Antinol is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Unlike most supplements, that lack clinical research, Antinol is proven to help reduce pain and inflammation and improve mobility. Unlike most pain medications, that come with the risk of significant side effects, Antinol has no side-effects and no contraindications. 

Antinol can give your pet their mobility back, letting you enjoy more walks, more quality time, and hold your best friend a bit longer. 


Antinol® pour chiens
Antinol® pour chats
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